What shall we begin to see here over the next several
months and a few days... Celebrations scheduled for 2018 -->>>>
We will be having a General Assembly Dayspring Gathering in
June beginning the Tuesday after Father's day... That is going from June 19, 2018 to June 24, 2018. We will be having
some very prestigious speakeers ... both being Patriarch's and Archbishops and each doing the work of an Apostle.
We will also be introducing through the years ... the Apostolic Episcopal
Communion & Fellowship and the Dayspring Chaplains Program. Archbishop Primus Dr. Gary Barkman will be giving a state

Above is a picture of Archbishop Primus Dr. Gary Barkman (John the Beloved), President of the Dayspring Ministry Group. At
the 2018 General Assembly Dayspring Gathering he will be giving a State of the Ministry, The Dayspring Ministry Group. This
will include The Evangelical Christian Church, The Apostolic Episcopal Communion (and Fellowship), Dayspring Christian University,
and the American Association of Christian Therapists.

The Pictures above are from the 2017 Dayspring Gathering.
The shots are from Friday evening's Ordination and Consecration service. The two with Provincial Metropoltan Archbishop
Dr. Francois and Provincial Archbishop Dr. Long are from the beginning of the Graduation on the following Sunday afternoon.
Check out many pictures on the Fastbooks of the Dayspring Ministry Group.

Shown in the Picture above is Dr. Malcolm Patterson, General Superintendent
Emeritus of the Evangelical Christian Church. With him is Dr. Gary Barkman, Patriarch and Archbishop Primus of the Dayspring
Ministry Group ... President of the American Association of Christian Therapists and Dayspring Christian University
Metropolitan Archbishop, U.S.A.,Dr. Denis Francois |

Our host for the Dayspring Gathering (General Conference 2014) |
Above is The Most Reverend Doctor, Denis Francois, a Provincial Archbishop and the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Evangelical
Christian Church Worldwide, U.S.A.

Above is The Most Reverend Doctor Godwin Booyson, (Symeon) Metropolitan
Archbishop of the Apostolic Episcopal Communion & Fellowship
Left below... a beautiful view of Ft. Lauderdale
Right below ... The Most Reverend Malcolm Patterson, General Superintendent Emeritus, U.S.A
Cruise ships at Ft. Lauderdale |

Bishop General Malcolm Patterson preaching at |

Conference... Dr. Patterson is the General Superintendent Emeretus of the ECC in the United States |
The General Assembly Dayspring Gatherings will each have a
separate theme... If you wish to have a Gathering at your location... call and invite the President and Archbishop Primus
and others to be a part... We will participate if you will take care of our lodging... and sometimes our flight to get there...
Pray about this new step in Ministry...