We welcome you all to view the
great move of God during our 2014 DAYSPRING GATHERING. When we preached the Power on the Cross of Christ, God moved like a
Mighty Fresh Wind and touched many. The Holy Spirit touched many in our various services... SORRY YOU MISSED THIS ONE!!! COME AND LOOK AGAIN AS THERE ARE STILL SEVERAL PICTURES TO SHARE WITH YOU...

The Most Reverend
Gary Wayne Barkman, Ph.D., D.C.C., D.Min.,
Th.D. Presiding
Prelate, Patriarch and President of Ministries and Fellowships of the Dayspring Ministry Group President,
American Association of Christian Therapists President, Dayspring Christian University

Dwana Barkman, B.A., CPA, Registrar of the
School, Dayspring Christian University First
Lady of Dayspring Ministries International and the Evangelical Christian Church Picture taken waiting for the Water Taxi, on the waterway, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2014
