Member DMG + American Association of Christian Therapists

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The American Association of Christian Therapists

Celebrating Continuous National & International Certification, License
And Education of Biblical & Christian Counselors & Therapists + 1995 - Present



If you are interested in this work and advancement of your career you may call the International offices of the Dayspring Ministry Group in Brookhaven Mississippi. The cost is not high… DCU charges only $69.00 a credit hour.  So for each course the cost would be only $207.00 total per credit hour… and only $414.00 for the whole session.  If you pay one payment in advance you will only have a bill of $329.00 for each certificate study

This note is about the four certificates that you see just below the application are what the above notes are about... The DMG and Dayspring Christian University are offering great plans for you to assist you in your Counseling Ministry.  If you have further question please call the International office in Brookhaven and ask for Dwana... 601.320.6704.

And just for your information these four certificates have been on facebook… on all three Facebooks the Ministry has…  Check it out… Also go to the Dayspring Ministry Group at On the DMG website you can scroll down and find the link to Dayspring Christian University…  and for the American Association of Christian Therapists go to the following… … Call Dwana if you have further questions.


Greetings Facebook friends and colleagues… Blessings to you all.  We are addressing you who are friends on all of our three facebooks… a large number of friends… We wish to share with you for our third time what the Dayspring Ministry Group, through the American Asssociation of Christian Therapists and Dayspring Christian University is now offering. 

Have we got a treat for you.  As part of our DMG reorganization of this year we are attempting to expand all of our ministries…  We are blessed that over 20 new Provinces have been formed to work with the DMG… Praise the Lord for his Blessings and guidance.

While in New York we visited with one of our colleagues from many years past.  The Rev. Dr. Virginia Beiber was our workshop leader during the Recent Dayspring Gathering in Florida…  Her teaching was a tremendous blessing.  And we have contracted with her to assist us in our new outreaches you have recently seen on Facebook.

The Rev. Dr. Beiber has many years experience in teaching and ministering the Scripture and counseling folks.  So we have asked her to be our Chief Adjunct Professor for Dayspring Christian University.  She will begin by working with those who request to learn more in the three new certifications the AACT and DCU offer to you.

The Rev. Dr. Virginia Bieber will be in line for upgrades of her involvement in the main leadership of the DCU and the AACT… She will be, The Rev. Doctor Bishop-Elect Virginia Bieber, Secretary for DCU Student Development and Online Study.”  She will work close with the Elect Lady Dwana and the Arcibishop Primus Gary Barkman. 

We celebrate having Dr. Bieber coming on board and we know she will be a grand blessing to the Dayspring Ministry Group and the American Association of Christian Therapists… Keep aware of all that is happening at the Dayspring Ministry Group… which includes. The American Association of Christian Therapists and Dayspring Christian University…  Blessings to you all.

The four of the five certificates listed below have been previously posted in Facebook.  If you have not completed your registration please call or write to Dwana at the International Headquarters... call her at 601.320.4171... Call also if you need more information.






Christocentric Redirectional Intervention

Christocentric Redirectional Intervention is a method of counseling offered by AACT through Seminars and Examination. This will be taught in major cities by Dr. Gary Barkman or other qualified professors. The qualified Student will receive a certificate that certifies one in Christocentric Redirectional Intervention. Tuition Costs are dependent on location of each Seminar.


The Rev. Virginia Bieber, Ph.D., Bishop Elect
The Elect Lady DMG Dwana Barkman, Patriarch Archbishop Primus Gary Barkman

Persons who complete all courses in one area will be given a Certificate of Completion for specialized counseling and therapy. All courses, including those offered for certification and those for Continuing Education, are $69.00 each per semester / credit hour. Additional costs may be incurred if audio or video tapes are selected.

Counseling the Depressed II DCT 551 3 credits
Counseling the Suicidal/Teen Suicide
    DCT 552 3 credits
Spiritual Gifts in Crisis Counseling DCT 553 3 credits
Abuse Therapy DCT 555 3 credits
Using the DSM (IV) II DCT 556 4 Credits
Total Credits this Study  16 Credit Hours


Family Systems Therapy DCT 571 3 credits
Family and Marriage Counseling DCT 572 3 credits
Divorce, Remarriage &Blended Family DCT 573 3 credits
Sexual Dysfunction & Abuse DCT 574 3 credits
Using the DSM (IV) II DCT 556 4 credits
Total Credits this Study  16 Credit Hours


Counseling of Children DCT 650 3 credits
Counseling the Adolescent DCT 651 3 credits
Chemical Dependency & Addiction DCT 652 3 credits
Anger Management DCT 653 3 credits
Using the DSM (IV) II DCT 556 4 credits
Total Credits this Study  16 Credit Hours
Each course is 16 Semester/Credit hours
Total for each group of courses is only $1,104...  However if you pay your tuition up front we will, We will charge you only $749.00 for the course... and if you wish to complete two and pay up front we will charge you for two sets only a total of $1100.00 for both sets you choose... If you are interested in doing all three please call the International office in Brookhaven, Mississippi... Ask for Dwana.


Attendants to the Dayspring Gathering 2018
Archbishop Primus Barkman, Rev. Dr. Virginia Bieber and other Dignitaries of the DMG

Click here to Download a University Application