Member DMG + American Association of Christian Therapists

March - April 2004 Newsletter
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AACT serving for 9 years
1995 - 2004

March - April 2003


The Prayer and Devotional Journal is now available at the Positive Solutions web site for a small donation. Click on the link below for more information.

"POSITIVE SOLUTIONS" ...A Marriage Enrichment Program with which we are involved... Counseling and classes for those who are divorced... check us out here....

Words From our President


Greetings in the Lord's Name. May His Peace always be yours.

I am excited about the growth of AACT.  Along with AACT's growth, so our school, International College of Christian Therapy is growing.  We have signed contracts for several new students. 
We have also come under the ministry of Dayspring Ministries International.  A young but fast growing ministry for ministers and churches.  In just 15 months time they have over 100 ministers and several churches and ministries...If you wish check us out at
Of course you will still receive the prompt and professional service that you have always seen at AACT.  Check out our expansion, see what you think, and send us an email.  And join if you you please.

We feel that having the AACT certificate on the wall will truly tell the folks that visit your office that you are held in high esteem. And we have continually received reports that insurances companies are paying almost as well as if you were state certified, if you have an AACT certification or license. Pray about your ministry in counseling and call for a packet.

Hope to hear from you soon... write an email to us and let us know what you think about AACT... and being a part of a growing association that cares about pastors and other Christian Counselors and Therapists.
Blessings to you all in your counseling ministry

Dr. Gary Barkman