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Nov - Dec 2003 Newsletter
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November - December Newsletter:  2003


Dr. Trudy Veerman


By Dr. Trudy Veerman

How wonderful it is for brethren to live together in worship unto the
Lord. As we walk in His footprints, we have the peace of God in our hearts
to share amongst ourselves. We can uplift and encourage each other, while
we're holding hands. We also must please God and become servants of all.

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.  Colossians 4: 15-17.

I wander through life as a follower of Him
Who calmed the waters from my storms within
And as I walk at the beach of life's sea
I see footprints in the sand, leading me

They bring me to places which make me aware
Of my own soul's condition, my desires and fare
He reveals my own ambition, as where I stand
And gently leads me back by His holy hand

I've missed His footprints from time to time
Doing my own thing, as I followed a crooked line
Assuming that it would be alright for now
Just to find myself off track, with sweat on my brow

I've learned by following Jesus in His steps
Living according to His word and precepts
That we will be indeed a useful tool
Called wise by God, but by the world a fool

To be the greatest in the Kingdom of our Lord
One has to be humble, according to God's word
Not considering one's own comfort and care
But be servant of all, with whom Jesus we share

When we'll think nothing of ourselves, while we serve
Following in His footprints, with great nerve
Allowing His Spirit to take full control in our life
We'll see fruits for our labor, through souls that survive

Now let us reach out as true servants of God
Encouraging each other on the path we've trod
Walking together, while for souls we'll fight
Will glorify the Father and make our bonds tight

* * * * * * *
Poem © Dr. Trudy Veerman

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who then is greatest in
the Kingdom of heaven?" Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in
the midst of them, and said ," Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted
and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:1-4.

As servants in the work of the Lord we have to recognize that the people we
serve may not be at the same spiritual level as we are. They need help, instruction, direction, guidance, admonishing and encouragement. That is why the Lord appointed us as teachers, preachers, evangelists, prophets or apostles, to lead them in the wisdom of the Lord to higher ground; the place where the Lord wants them. Let us be worthy of His calling. We are standing by His grace only.

And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and
some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of
the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity
of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto
the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-13.
This does not mean that we are more than others, but rather servants
of ALL. We need to allow the Fruit of the Holy Spirit to develop in
our life as to be an effective tool in the hands of the Lord. Let love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, become our part. Galatians 5:22,23

But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Matthew 23: 11,12.

People around us are in need of our assistance and we have to be ready and willing to reach out unselfishly. Always remembering where the Lord has taken us from.  We must be bold and move forwards in the authority of Christ, without exalting ourselves.

As servants of God we need to take our stand and preach the unadulterated word of God in all boldness. We need to be "God" pleasers and not pleasers of man. We need to help them that are entrusted to us and cut away the rotten spots before the whole thing starts to stink, and bandage it with the truth and love of God.

This cutting away may seem "harsh", but really it is the LOVE of God which is
trying to save a remnant from total destuction. We, the servants of God, need
to be humble and not to hit the staff on the rock as Moses did in anger against
God's people.

It is our unselfishness and at the same time humbleness, which drives us on
through the Holy Spirit to reach out, to stand by, to hold up, to carry on, to move forwards at any cost. It is when we have learned to become a "zero" and allowing Him to be a "ten" when souls in distress are helped and pulled out of the fire of deception. Therefore, we must allow His power to be channeled through us 
The Lord has equipped some of us with this great task, as many others couldn't
take the weight of that cross of self-denial. Many are pleasers of the ego while
seeking earthly profit by making disciples to their own institutions.

They that are "called" are the ones which will become a mighty army, for they
allow God to be mighty within them. It is because of Him in us and through us
that we will experience a wonderful move in the souls and lives of others. And
it is He, through us, Who will bring His word of holiness and of Holy Spirit
fire. He will clean up the mess that has been left behind by a misleading
"gospel" of pleasing the ego of so many, while others are after its gain.

Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the
Kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:4.

Let us dedicate our life afresh to our Master and give Him the reins of our heart, so He can create in us that which is desirable and useful for the extension of His Kingdom, and for the support and encouragement of His children and children to be.

Remember the word that I said to you, "A servant is not greater than his master."  If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. John 15:20.
May the Lord add His blessing to the reading of His word. May we, as
His followers, be open to the move of the Holy Spirit and be willing to
walk where He leads us.   May we be renewed in our thinking, strengthened in our faith and stay focused on Him, the Finisher of our faith. Let us count ourselves blessed of the Lord and make effort to accomplish that which He has called us to do.

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.
You are My friends, if you do whatever I command you.
John 15: 13,14.

Copyright © Dr.Trudy Veerman, 2001, Webmaster.
All rights reserved.


The Reverend Maria McGruder


(The Sign That Will Make Them Wonder)

By Maria Magruder



What?  Increase in these times?  Increase in some of the most difficult times of the worlds economy?  Are you sure you have the right word?  Increase?  Absolutely!  During these difficult times in the world, is where the strength of the Believer will be the greatest.  While the world is struggling along financially, in its system, the Believer will be prospering and increasing.   The Church will be prospering and is prospering.  We see this over and over throughout the Word.  Whenever there were tough financial times, and famine, it was always someone who was obedient to the man of God, in the Old Testament, or to Jesus in the New Testament.

The widow woman with the empty vessels; she was a sign of prosperity and definitely increase, to all those around her as her vats were overflowing.  Isaac sowed in famine, He was a sign of prosperity and increase to the world, as he reaped 100 fold, though days before, he had nothing.  Joseph, who once was a slave, stayed obedient to God, and during the worst famine Egypt had seen, he was able to feed a whole nation.  Joseph was a sign of prosperity and increase.  When the disciples were obedient to Christ to throw their nets on the other side, and brought in that great catch, they were a sign to the world of provision and increase, we could go on and on here of examples in the Word of God. 

My friends, as the Church and as Believers, YOU, are called to be a sign and a wonder to the world!  You are called to INCREASE and prosper in every part of your life.  From finances, to health, to better jobs, to a family flowing in harmony and unity.  You are the SIGN to the world that will make them WONDER about who you are serving.  Make them wonder, how you got where you are at in your life.  Make them wonder, how they can get what you got!  Make them wonder how you went from a 2 bedroom apartment to a 4 bedroom house with a garage during this economic distress.  How you went from an entry level position at your job, to being promoted 2 or 3 times in one year.  How you went from being laid off to getting even a better job than you had before.  From you, going from a old run down car to a new car.  From everything you touch, beginning to increase and prosper, in everything you do.  From seeing you walk in divine health and relationships.  From seeing you go from glory to glory in your walk with the Lord, seeing you in peace, walking in the power of God.

There will be a great harvest coming in because of the INCREASE in YOUR life.  Due to the increase of the Church, the harvest will begin to seek out help, seek out the Way, seek out the Truth, so they too can be free.  You are the Sign that will make the harvest wonder, for you are a sign and a wonder to the world!  Glory!  For the world is looking for the Truth.  The world is not looking for truth in poverty, sickness or disease.  Its looking for Truth in Power, that can only be found through Jesus Christ.

Now, lets bring this increase home a little more, to the Believer, and take a closer look:

1 Thessalonians 4:10  but we urge you brethren and sisteren that you INCREASE more and more.

There is an INCREASE in the body of Christ.  For too long the body of Christ has focused on the decrease.  The scary thing is the Word says you can have what you say, and believe.  So if you have declared that you are to decrease, as many of the body of Christ has, then thats what you get, but I declare to you today an INCREASE!

John 3:30  He must INCREASE, but I must decrease.

Oh myhow this verse has been mis-interpreted over the years, and oh how we have allowed religion to grab a hold of this verse.  The body of Christ has always, always, always focused on the decrease part of this verse.  Religion has used this verse to declare poverty vows, to declare a lowly worm state of being, to declare a loser mentality about oneself, and most of all focus on, what we call dying to flesh, and how we must die. 

Now there certainly isnt anything wrong with dying to flesh.  However we cant seem to get past that part.  Its almost like we are stuck there.  And there seems to be a lack of revelation that, hello the old man is dead!  When you gave your life to Christ, your spirit became PERFECT!  Glory!  Grant it, our soul realm still has issues, but your spirit is perfect.  That old spirit that was born in sin is no longer, it has DECREASED and you are now a new creation.  So quit calling yourself a sinner saved by grace!  You are a saint, you are sons and daughters of the most high God! 

So, with that out of the way, lets focus on the INCREASE baby!  When you receive Christ in your life as your Lord and savior, you cannot help but INCREASE!  Increase becomes a part of your life.  Everything about you should be increasing. 


Or He (Jesus) absolutely has to increase!  Its not an option.  And when Christ lives IN you, and He is increasing every day, of every moment, dont you think that will impact your life?  Dont you think that your job will increase?  That your bank account will increase?  That your healing will increase and accelerate?  That your family will increase in harmony and unity?  That everything you own will increase?!  Everything you touch will increase?  This is what the believer is called to, INCREASE BABY!  Glory!

Increase by bible dictionary means:  Multiplication, growth, reproduction of livestock (or what you own/property you own), reproduction of harvest. (which is a representation of what is to come)

So if Christ must, absolutely, has to increase, and He dwells in you, you WILL see multiplication in your life, you WILL see reproduction of your property and the things you own, of the business you own, of the possessions God has already given you, an increase in the lives touched by Christ through you!

My friends it is impossible for you not to increase, when He lives in you!  The only thing that can stop the increase is your thinking.  Renew your minds to the Word of God where there are no limits my friends!  The sky isnt even the limit!  Whahoo!

Its not necessarily about material things here.  Its about obtaining what Christ has already purchased for you, and that the world isnt going to want what you have if you dont have anything!  The world doesnt want sickness and disease, so increase and get your healing, the world doesnt want poverty, so increase and come out of that poverty mentality, the world isnt looking for more problems, so increase in your revelation knowledge of the Word, and walk in the power of God. 

Isaiah 9:7  Of the INCREASE of His Government and peace there WILL BE NO END.

The awesome thing about this increase is that it belongs to you, is there is no end to it!  We are to partake of Gods divine nature, (according to 2 Peter 1:4) and Gods nature absolutely does not DECREASE!  It absolutely is NOT in Gods nature to decrease, but only to INCREASE.  Glory!  It continues to increase, and increase, and prosper and prosper, and grow and grow, enlarge and enlargethere is no end to Gods increase.  It goes on for eternity!  Every time the angels circle around the throne they discover something new and glorious about God!   Gods increase is for eternity.  There is NO END!  That means that there is no end to the increase in your life!  You go from glory, to glory, to glory, to glory, to glory,  baby! 

When you allow Christ to step into your life, you, the believer, have access to this increase immediately!  Not tomorrow, not 2 days from now, not next week, but immediately!  God is the God of immediately, not yesterday, not tomorrow but NOW!  Your healing is NOW, your deliverance is NOW!  Your increase is NOW!  When He increases, you increase!  Greater is He that is IN you, than he that is in the world. 

Some of you reading this may say, why am I not seeing an increase in my life, Maria?  Well, up till this point you didnt have a revelation of the Word of increase for you life.  Without a revelation of increase in your life according to the Word, you are in disagreement with the Word, therefore you have limited yourself.  God cannot bless dis-agreement of His Word.   Again, renew your mind, and get in agreement with the Word, get in agreement with increase for your life.

So many times we put out a prophetic word about what is going to happen in the body of Christ and for the believer and they get excited about it, but never see it come to pass.  My friends faith without works is dead!  So we need to put action to our faith, do our part, and line ourselves up with the Word, and the Word will not return void!  For it cannot lie. 

God wants you to INCREASE!  He wants you to increase more than you do!  He desires to see you prosper, He desires to see you increase, He desires to see that you have everything you need in life, that pertains to life and godliness.  He is going to cause you who love Him to inherit wealth, so that He can fill your treasuries!  (Proverbs 8:21) 

2 Thessalonians 3:12 And may the Lord MAKE you INCREASE, and ABOUND, in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you.

This is my prayer for each one of you, that the Lord will MAKE you increase, and the key in all this increase always comes back to love one another.  So as we increase, lets love one another in the love that Jesus has given us, we give back to others.  Love-the biggest SIGN, that will cause the Harvest to Wonder. 

You, the Church, you the Believer, the Sign that causes the world to wonder.  Increase is yours.  Its already been paid for on the cross by the love of Jesus Christ. 

Maria travels, conducting Woman of the Last Hour conferences, equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.  Her passion is not only for the harvest, but to see believers walking in the power of God and victory in their every day life.

Interested in having Maria Magruder come to your area?  Please email:


Dr. Gary Barkman, President, AACT

Words From Our President
Dr. Gary Barkman
Greetings in the Lord's Name.
I trust the God continues to be the center of your Counseling Ministry... We have some new items to share this year... First we have a growing group email... you are invited to be a part... Just write to me at and we will place you on the group.
Our next big event is the promised Conference.  It will be June 2004.  Below is a schedule... PLAN TO ATTEND... YOU WILL BE BLESSED...



Annual Conference & Assembly

 June 25 28 2004

 The Evangelical Christian Church Inc.

The Association of Evangelical Community Churches

The American Association of Christian Therapists Inc.



Gathering at Granbury Texas,

 June 25-28, 2004


Registration Fee - $50.00 for members of ECC, AECC, AACT

Spouse attending - $20.00 additional

Children and Youth to age 15 - $10.00

Guests registration fee - $25.00



Registration will begin at 3.00 P.M. Friday. 

6.00 P.M.  There will be an informal gathering to meet each other and meet who is behind the emails, at the Headquarters Motel or at our Host Church. (to be announced later)



9.00 A.M   Saturday: Registration at the Host Church or Convention Center (to be announced in later communication).

10.30 A.M.  Lecture from AACT member, Andria Sigler-Smalz ,..   What is Christian Counseling and Therapy (all AACT members are encouraged to attend.)

12:30 P.M. Lunch on your own or with new friends

4.00 P.M. Registration continues

4.30 5.30 P.M. AACT work session, with panel of Christian Counselors & Therapists, meeting with Dr. & Mrs. Barkman (presiding)

6.00 P.M. Mini Concert (group or singer to be announced)

6.30 P.M. The Rev. Dr. Gary Barkman speaking (President, AACT; Senior Presiding Pastor and Bishop, AECC and ECC). First worship service and Ordination of candidates (Those who have been received by the ECC and AECC  over the last year or since the last Regional Conference will be prayed for during this service. Worship led by members of the AECC.



9.00 A.M. Gathering time for fellowship

10.00 A.M. Morning Worship -  The Speaker is yet to be announced.  ECC leading worship, Preparing and serving Communion. Special songs, recognition of Foreign leadership.  Celebration of the Lords Supper.

12.30 P.M. Lunch on your own or with new friends

12.30 P.M. Leadership Dinner (all Ruling Elders, Regional Pastors, Regional Superintendents, District Pastors / Superintendents, Area Pastors / Superintendents, Foreign Dignitaries, Special guests are invited)

3.00 P.M. Work session for ECC ministers, ECC General Pastor Speaking and Presiding

4.30 P.M. Work session for AECC ministers, AECC General Pastor Speaking and Presiding

6.00 Mini Concert (singers or group to be announced)

7.00 P.M. Evening worship  - (Minister from Africa, Chidebere Ogbu speaking, Regional Presiding Superintendent of South Africa.  AECC leading worship, recognition of foreign leadership and special guests, Graduation of students from all schools.

10.00 P.M OR WHENEVER???. Afterglow at headquarters Motel.



9.00 A.M. Gathering and visiting

10.00 A.M. Youth led worship service. (Speaker to be announced) Rev. Ed Lai  and Regional Youth Ministers leading worship. Recognition of Foreign Leadership and Dignitaries. AECC ministers preparing communion, celebration of the Lords Super.  Licensed Ministers John Wright and Pactrick Nelson and others to assist Dr. Barkmanj.Commission of ministers to spread the Gospel to all..




Visiting local attractions with new friends and going home



May God bless you in your counseling ministry

Dr. Gary Barkman, President AACT

AACT Wishes All People A Happy
Christ Centered Holiday Season